
about me!

hello! this is my website where i share some of the things i've made, some things i enjoy, and some shit that i lose my mind over. i crochet, make zines and collages, make kandi, and i have far too many hobbies. i collect vinyl and cassettes, and am currently a college student. i'm not great with website code, most of my experience is with hand coding specific static forms, but this is a fun learning process.
this website is gonna be half serious (patterns/art) and half bullshit (shrines, music recs, movies, etc)
basically: i can do whatever i want forever.
much love to anyone who took the time to look in my corner of the internet.

no bigotry of any kind is tolerated here.

update log

blinkie collection!

Palestinian Flag Use Firefox Install uBlock Origin bedtime 24/7 Twilight Sparkle: capitalism kills Rarity: all cops are bastards Rainbow Dash: abolish prisons aro as fuck agender (heart) cybercriminal Paramore rocky horror: give yourself over to absolute pleasure book collecter i love horror mcr fan vamp rights october baby queer rights yes i'm pleasantly plump you skinny bitch adhd swag pirate movies plushie collecter scrapbooker musical lover fuck terfs