things i wanna learn for this website, but haven't yet because coding is hard :(

Coding, as everyone knows is fucking hard, but it's just so cool! Some of the things that I wanna do with this website and completely out of my skill range. I don't even know how to make responsive pages :( That's not to say that I don't like what I've done so far! I atually really enjoy what my site looks like, but sometimes it's... angering as fuck to not know how to do anything more complicated.
Anyways, most of what I wanna do would require javascript I think. But a lot of what I wanna do requires a better foundational knowledge of HTML and CSS, and the knowledge I have is... less than stable. I know what I learned in a shitty computer science class and what I can pick up on other websites. I find that a lot of what I try to learn, I need to know a previous concept, then another concept, then another, and another, and so on, and I don't understand it, lol, I try though!
So, here's what I wanna do:

  1. I wanna make one of those nice blog pages where you can access your old blog posts but your newer ones are still displayed
  2. I LOVE READING!!! So, I want one of those library pages where you have book icons that take you to different reviews OR it displays the review on the same page when you click on it. I wish I knew what it was called, but it would be so cool.
  3. This isn't a coding thing, but I wish I had more space for pictures, lol. I make collages and zines, so space will run out quick.
  4. God. I wish I could figure out how to properly place images and text. Like actually do it the right way instead of trying to fuck with random elements until it works. Like a super simple thing that I wanna do is put two piece of text DIRECTLY above two bookshelf images. But, for some reason, I can't get it to work? And I have no idea how to look it up.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but on the more positive side. I fucking love how my shrine looks. I got to infodump and I know it looks simple but I'm so so so happy with it. The next shrine I wanna do is for either Law & Order: SVU, the Spiderverse movies, or My Chemical Romance. There's this super cool band from my hometown that I wanna do a shrine on because I think they're cool, but I also don't wanna doxx myself LMFAO.
I also wanna be able to format my crochet patterns better and in a more readable way, although that's far off in the future, but I'm really excited for that! I'm also excited to get to writing more blog posts and articles. I wanna get into writing music reviews because some of my favorite things are being super mean about music or incredibly kind about it. I might reivew Trixie Mattel's albums, the Linda Linda's, or MIKABOMB. It depends on how I feel.
Anyways, sorry that my first blog post was mostly complaining, but I wanted to get one up and try out different formats and such. If you for some reason see this and decide that you wanna see me update this, thanks!!